Monday, June 7, 2010


Our resident teacher in church said in Tagalog, "Everyday is a crossroad." Amen to every 20-something year old undergoing a life crisis.

Life presents a more interesting array of choices to our generation; there's just so much more to do, to be, to achieve. What a loss to miss out on the adventures and challenges the new world offers! But whether it's a case of choice paralysis or spreading yourself too thin, there are times we feel lost and tired, and we feel a pressing need to reorient ourselves.

Let God be our compass and heed His foolproof words in Jeremiah 6:16,

The Lord said to His people, "Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths and where the best road is. Walk in it, and you will live in peace."

It's more than tempting to choose the road less traveled but there's also a reason why those well-trodden ancient paths are the best: They're sure to get us to our destination.

Less literally (I did enjoy that allegory), whatever we do in our lives as long as we are anchored by God's guidance, we will experience the peace this world cannot or will ever offer. Let us pray that for each and every crossroad--for every opportunity, tragedy, or choice--we will let God lead us the way.

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