Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Picture Perfect

This is my personal testimony. I wrote this on Feb 28, 2006. I still believe this is my best blog post ever. So, here it is.

For seventeen years, I never imagined even for once that I am pre-destined for something. I thought that I make my own destiny and that everything depends on the things I do. So, for the longest time, I was a goody-goody, who imitated what successful and good people did. I conformed to the world's standard of what is good and I was afraid to try out things that are not in the picture of the perfect life I tried to build for myself.

Little did I know that by concentrating on that beautiful picture I have for my life, I missed a lot. I was so focused on that picture that I didn't even take time to appreciate the beauty around me and know the lives that surround me.

One day, I discovered that my life has some sort of purpose. However, it wasn't that easy for me to accept the fact that all the things I've achieved and worked for were not there because of my own doing or greatness but because of the someone who gave me purpose. As I got to know that someone, I started to understand that the perfect picture of life that I have is nothing compared to the life I was pre-destined for.

Nevertheless, having that knowledge in my mind didn't change my life overnight. It was really hard to let go of that picture, step out, discover new possibilities around and allow myself to be of use to others. It is frightening to let go specially when you're holding on to something that is good already. But the good is the worst enemy of the best and if we don't let go of the good, we can't get the best! So, after a long battle with myself, I let go of that picture. It wasn't easy but it took only one decision, one decision I live by everyday, one decision to love God with all my heart and all my mind.

Right now, it is still unknown to me what God's plans for my life are but I trust HIM and believe that my life is far better than the picture I've let go of. If I continue to live by HIS words, I'll definitely get the best because HIS words are my life, our life.


  1. I can understand why you feel this is your best post ever: This is the very axis at which you have redefined your life. I can feel it!

    This is nothing short of amazing.

  2. also posted this in FB. I cannot keep quiet any longer. :)
